ASSESSMENt Schedule May

On-Campus Instructions for Semester Exams

Part of a balanced assessment plan for courses is a cumulative assessment of skills and concepts learned over time. Grade 9 and 10 students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their learning during in-class assessments.

It is important for students to have experience writing in an ‘exam’ setting, and this happens at the end of semester 2 for Grade 11 students (and in March for Grade 12 students during Mock week). Attendance for exams is required. The only excuse for missing an exam is a serious medical illness or a family emergency; please notify the High School Office and provide a medical certificate where appropriate.

Students may wear ‘free dress’ during their exams. This dress needs to comply with our dress code guidelines.

Grade 9 and 10 Students

Grade 9 and 10 students will attend school as normal.

Grade 11 Students

During exams, Grade 11 students may arrive at school when they wish, as long as they are present for their scheduled exams. Regular buses will run in the morning and at the end of each day. Students must provide their own transportation if they do not ride a scheduled bus. From 8:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. every day, students can get extra help from their teachers, if they wish.

Example 1 - A student has one exam at 9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. S/he may arrive to school in time for the exam, and then leave after the exam, provided parent permission has been given*.

Example 2 - A student has one exam at 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. S/he may arrive at school in time for the exam, and then leave after the exam.

*NOTE: We will continue to have a closed campus for all students during exams. Students will be allowed to leave campus before 3:00 p.m. ONLY if they have on file in the HS Office their parent/guardian's signature on our High School Exam Early Departure Permission Slip (also available in the HS office). They must also get the permission slip ‘stamped’ in the high school office and present this permission slip to the guards in the guardhouse when leaving campus.